Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sitting in Class, trying to....what is it called....learn?

I’m sitting in class, in a seat not designed for anyone over 4 feet tall, with a table thing half the size a sheet of paper trying to type on my laptop. On arm is literally with my elbow in the air and the other doing a wing pose. Anyways, school is going ok; I am still unsure what the heck is going on in most classes. I know when something is due but not what that thing is.

Just switched positions, my lap may burn from the heat exhaust of my laptop but it’s better than getting carpal tunnel.

So school should be good this semester. My two worst classes will be Finance and Accounting. Even though the teacher say we won’t be do the accounting stuff (such as creating the balance sheets and so forth) but more of a critical evaluation of what the balance sheets mean to managers. So far, it’s nothing but creating the balance sheets. But it's still early, need to keep my hopes up I suppose.