Interesting post and comments that Chelsea has on her blog. But money rules this country (unfortunately) which means that parties will stay; because there is a lot more money to be made that way. Remember this to anyone who reads, most founding fathers didn’t want parties and didn’t side with any parties. Even though you could say they were this and that. Maybe there was a reason? Ever thought of that? No you didn’t did you?
You can say this about any label you can think of. For some reason humans need to have a label for everything. Why? Because we are so ignorant that we have to have a reason to be better than someone else. Because we are stupid for thinking that because someone acts, thinks, or does things differently that there has to be one right way of doing something. I would like to take it a little further Chelsea than just American, how about we become humans or even Earthlings. These walls that were built by our ancestors need to be torn down just like how they were built, brick by brick.
And for anyone still reading and want to argue that if we got rid of parties that there will be chaos, well, there will be, until people learn to think for themselves and not blindly follow what someone else says. East Germany was in chaos when the wall came down but they fought (and still are) their way through the problems.
When will this world be fixed? Well, never, because there is too much money to be made with stupid people who won’t think for themselves……
And now to finish my rant with something random:
Just to let everyone know, just because someone has a master, PhD, or whatever, doesn’t mean that they are smart. It just means they are well funded and are able to think and imitate like their professors. Nothing more. The smartest people in this world are the ones who fight for a life until the end, and not the ones who are given a life.